Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back in black!

So I decided to start blogging again. Life got busy so I got away from one of the things I love the most, which is my writing. It also happens to be something I am quite good at. I have not blogged since last summer, dare I even try to catch you up or shall we just go from here? So much has happened in so many months. Friendships or rather, a friendship has come and gone, children are growing before my very eyes, I've grown another year wiser, and older *sigh*, becoming more aware of my health, and less inclined to care what others say or think about me. Life is short ladies and gentlemen, too short to fret over those little irritating things that can eat away at you if you let them, and let me tell you, I sure have some experience in this area. Like a careless gift your Mother in Law got for you for Christmas in January, with a big yellow Clearance sticker proudly displayed on the front of the packaging. Ya think she's trying to send me a message? SNORT! Or someone who was once a friend but is no more, and all the drama that goes along with it. Nope, throw it out, discard the garbage from your lives, it's no good for you and it's an energy waster. There is a reason someone isn't in your life now, and its their loss! So move on, suck it up, get over it and enjoy your life! That shall be my motto for this year, I am going to enjoy my life and be healthy, body, mind and soul. So with that, I will say I'm back baby! And I am reminded of one of the musical greats....so click on this link (embedding was disabled or I'd glady post it) and rock with me to my anthem, Back in Black by AC/DC! www.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPGOEhkCjmI

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